Coquille Indian Housing Authority

2678 Mexeye Loop
Coquille Tribal Lands
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420
     For more information please contact us at
(541) 888-6501 or toll free at (800) 988-6501
or email [email protected]
Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to noon

All programs are operated to first serve the needs of members of the Coquille Indian Tribe, then other Native Americans and Alaska Natives. Eligibility is further determined by need, income, references from landlords and credit providers, criminal background check, and household composition.

Read the latest edition of the Coquille Indian Housing Authority’s monthly newsletter, the Sea-Ha Runner, or browse our Sea-Ha Runner archives.

Special Programs

An Opportunity for Coquille Tribal Homeowners in Oregon
Oregon Community Heat Pump Deployment Program

Up to $7,000 for a high efficiency heat pump and up to $4,000 for related upgrades
No income limits  •  See application for preference points
Click here to apply now!
To learn more, contact Debbie at (541) 888-6501 or [email protected].
This program funded by a grant from the State of Oregon Department of Energy.

Common Energy Native American Community Solar Program

Clean Energy Discount Program for Oregon PGE & Pacific Power Customers
SAVE 5% – 40% on your monthly bill and reduce your carbon footprint
by subscribing to a community solar farm project.
No income limits.  No cost.  No solar panels to install.
Available to renters, homeowners, and businesses.

Sign up for savings now at:

Need help?  Call Shelley or Debbie at the CIHA office at (541) 888-6501.

Rental Programs

Low-Income Rental Program
The Low-Income Rental Program assists families with rental housing on Tribal Lands. Required monthly rental payments are based on a maximum of 30% of the household’s adjusted gross annual income. Unit size is determined by family composition.

Monthly Housing Assistance Program (MHAP)
MHAP is a tenant-based rental assistance program designed to help low-income Coquille Tribal members and other Native Americans pay rent for privately owned, decent, safe, and sanitary housing.  The program is modeled after the HUD Section 8 Voucher Program and is similar in its operation.  Units of assistance funded by HUD are available to low-income Coquille Tribal members and other Native Americans in Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Lane counties in Oregon (ISA MHAP).  Units of assistance funded by the Coquille Indian Tribe are available to low-income Coquille Tribal members throughout the United States (OSA MHAP).

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program provides special, short-term support to qualifying Native American individuals and families who are homeless or unstably housed. To be eligible for Emergency Rental Assistance, an applicant must be referred by a recognized social or community services agency that assists families in crisis.


Here is an application for housing.  Please return your completed application to: 

Coquille Indian Housing Authority
2678 Mexeye Loop
Coos Bay, OR  97420

Homebuyer Programs

Home Grant and Occupancy (HomeGO) Program
The HomeGO Program allows qualified low-income Coquille Tribal families who are participants in the Low-Income Rental Program on Tribal Lands to transition in place to a lease-purchase homebuyer agreement with a small down payment and low monthly payments.  Under this program one-half of the cost of a home is granted over a 10-year period and the other half is paid back to CIHA over a 25-year term.  The loan is re-amortized annually based on the current national average interest rate, capped at 6%.

HUD Section 184 Loan Guarantee Program
The HUD Section 184 Loan Program provides loan guarantees for acquisition, construction, and refinancing of single-family homes for Native Americans.  The loan guarantee may cover up to 100% of principal and interest for up to a 30-year fixed rate loan. Borrowers pay a small down payment and loan guarantee fee.  Approximately 41% of monthly income may be dedicated toward a mortgage payment.  There are no maximum income limits.  Application may be made directly to any federally-approved lending institution offering the program. For more information, please contact CIHA.

IHS Sanitation Facilities Construction Program
American Indian and Alaska Native homeowners in five Oregon counties can be sponsored by the Coquille Tribe to participate in the IHS Sanitation Facilities Program.  Learn more.

Board Staff  
Paul Doyle, Chair Anne Cook, Executive Director [email protected]
Denise Hunter, Vice Chair Lyman Meade, Deputy Director [email protected]
Robert More, Secretary/Treasurer Debbie Dennis, Administrative Services Manager [email protected]
Jackie Chambers, Commissioner Marcy Chytka, Accounting Manager [email protected]
Shawn Chase, Commissioner Tracey Mueller, Housing Programs Manager [email protected]
Don Garrett, Commissioner Shelley Estes, Housing Programs Specialist [email protected]
Judy Rocha, Commissioner Scott Felton, Facilities Maintenance Manager [email protected]
  Scott Platter, Projects Supervisor [email protected]
  Ken Myers, Facilities Maintenance Technician [email protected]

Eligibility Estimator

Click here for information about national income limits applicable to programs funded by the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act of 1996 Please contact CIHA for assistance determining the income limits for your area, which may be higher.

Use this link to see if you are eligible for other housing assistance and social services programs available in Oregon: Try this website to find out if your family can get help from multiple services. 211info does not ask who you are and does not share your information with anyone.

For federal benefits, visit


Have an idea you’d like to share? Click here for a CIHA suggestion form.


FY 2024 Indian Housing Plan

FY 2023 Annual Performance Reports
FY 2023 Financial Audit

FY 2022 Annual Performance Reports
FY 2022 Financial Audit

FY 2021 Annual Performance Reports
FY 2021 Financial Audit

Other Housing Resources

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
In cooperation with Oregon Coast Community Action’s Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, Coquille Indian Housing Authority staff facilitate program participation for Coquille Tribal member households in Coos and Curry Counties and other Native American or Alaska Native households residing on Coquille Tribal Lands. This program provides a direct payment to a heating vendor to offset the cost of home heating during the winter months for low-income households.

Emergency Preparedness Information and Resources
Coos Bay Tsunami Evacuation Brochures are available at the CIHA office. Click here for links to information and resources to become prepared.

Oregon Low-Income Weatherization Program

Oregon IDA Initiative – Matching savings program (typically $3 match to every $1 you save) for homeownership, home repair, small business, and other goals.

Oregon Down Payment Assistance Programs

Oregon Bond Residential Loan Program

USDA Guaranteed Rural Housing Loans

Oregon agencies that can help with homeownership
Baker, Grant, Union & Wallowa Counties – Community Connection of Northeast Oregon
Benton, Lincoln & Linn Counties – Community Services Consortium
Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington Counties – Portland Housing Center
Clatsop, Columbia & Tillamook Counties – Community Action Team (CAT)
Coos, Curry & Douglas Counties – NeighborWorks Umpqua (Umpqua CDC)
Crook, Deschutes & Jefferson Counties – NeighborImpact
Jackson & Josephine Counties – ACCESS Helps
Klamath & Lake Counties – Klamath-Lake Community Action Services
Lane County – Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO CDC)
Washington County – Open Door Counseling Center
Yamhill County – Yamhill Housing Resource Center