RFP – Resilience Management Plan

Section I: Request for Proposals


The Tribe invites qualified contractors to submit proposals based on the scope of work and conditions contained in this RFP. The purpose of this request for proposals (RFP) is to obtain a contractor(s) to develop a Resilience Management Plan for the Coquille Indian Tribe.


The Coquille Indian Tribe is comprised of bands that historically spoke Athabaskan, Miluk, and later, Chinuk Wawa. Since time immemorial, they flourished among the forests, rivers, meadows, and beaches of a homeland encompassing well over 750,000 acres. In the mid 1850’s the United States negotiated treaties with the Coquille people. The U. S. Senate never ratified these treaties. The Coquille tribal homeland was subsequently taken without their consent.

The Coquille were included in the now repudiated Western Oregon Indian Termination Act of 1954. On June 28, 1989, they were restored, and tribal sovereignty was federally recognized. The Coquille Restoration Act authorized the Secretary of the Interior to take land in to trust the Tribe. The Tribe’s land base is now approximately 10,200 acres, of which 9,800 acres are proudly managed using sustainable forestry practices. The Tribe’s service area includes Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, and Lane Counties in Oregon. The Tribe provides government services in and pursues economic development projects in these counties. They are members of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI).

The Coquille Tribal Council consists of seven members, who are elected by the General Council. The General Council consists of all enrolled members over the age of 18. Tribal Council members serve alternating three-year terms. The Climate Resilience Taskforce was formed to make recommendations to the Tribal Council on how to adapt to and mitigate impacts from the changing climate within our traditional and historical homelands. The taskforce vision statements are as follows: 1) To empower tribal members to embrace the threat of climate change, grounded in Indigenous values, fostering personal and collective action. We will create a safe haven for all by proactively addressing climate challenges, sharing a sense of responsibility for tribal resiliency and sovereignty and 2) As a sovereign Tribe, our vision is to unite the Ko-Kwel people in taking empowered action against climate change by incorporating traditional values, efficiently reducing our carbon footprint, and strategically investing in our people. This commitment will build a more resilient and empowered tribal nation and community, serving both people and the environment to create a hope filled future.

The Tribal government employs about 200 people both at the government headquarters in North Bend and at its Ko-Kwel Wellness Centers in Coos Bay and Eugene Oregon. In addition to administering the Tribal government, the Tribe provides services to its members, including health and human services, education, member enrollment, natural and cultural resource management, Tribal court, public works 2

and facilities maintenance, Tribal police, gaming commission, and management of a self-insured group health plan. Through its economic development corporations, the Coquille Economic Development Corporation (CEDCO) and the Mith-ih-kwuh Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the Tribe operates several business enterprises, including the Mill Casino-Hotel. More information about the Coquille Indian Tribe is available at our website: www.coquilletribe.org.

Section II: Content Requirements:

The Resilience Management Plan’s proposed objectives include:

  • Identifying strategies and recommendations that will assist the Tribe in becoming more resilient while simultaneously acknowledging our rights and interests.
  • Identifying resources, gathering information, tools, and data that can be used to support Tribal climate change initiatives.
  • Incorporating the role and protection of Traditional knowledge in planning assessments.
  • Determining materials, activities, multimedia, and other approaches to cultivate community by-in and awareness of current and future conditions that relate to climate resilience.
  • Incorporation of a timeline that includes near term and long term projects and activities that prepares the Tribe to become more resilient.

To meet the purpose statements of this RFP, the following essential deliverables must be included or addressed in the scope of work. This must include overall coordination, planning, developing and production of the following Plans in subsequent order:

  1. Energy Assessment and Energy Resilience Plan (due by December 31, 2024): The Energy Assessment and Energy Resilience Plan will evaluate energy costs and infrastructure efficiencies for all Coquille tribal facilities. Carbon usage and potential carbon reduction will also be estimated. The Plan will detail ways for the Tribe to save on energy costs which will allow the Tribe to focus towards a zero-carbon emission target.
  2. Research and provide specific details on the ways the Coquille Indian Tribe could move toward energy sovereignty.
  3. Prepare a scheduled plan to update appliances and equipment with energy efficient replacements.
  4. Provide a detailed evaluation for the replacement of HVAC system located at the Tribal government administration building. Replacement will need to include a heat pump that includes enhanced filtration and better air circulation in the building. Preliminary design, energy cost and savings, and overall HVAC replacement cost will need to be included in evaluation.
  5. Evaluate all tribal facility electrical panels and needed upgrades for installation of EV charging stations. This evaluation will need to include a list of costs and specified locations at various Tribal facilities.
  6. Provide a feasibility study of a microgrid on Kilkich or the North Parcel.
  7. Evaluate the potential for a solar farm on Tribal property located in the Charleston/Empire Area of Coos County, Oregon.
  8. Assess the feasibility of small vertical wind turbines in the Charleston/Empire area of Coos County, Oregon.
  9. Complete draft design plans, including prioritizing shovel ready project costs that will fulfill grant and funding requirements.


  • Solar Assessment (due by December 31, 2024): Complete a solar assessment to assess solar panel installation costs and benefits on specific tribal facilities.
  • Work with the Coquille Indian Tribal government staff and the Climate Resilience Taskforce on identifying facilities that require evaluation.
  • Details of the property’s electrical system and electrical access.
  • Detailed assessment of tribal facility roof conditions, including shading for each building.
  • Provide battery storage options with costs for all solar installations.
  • Confirmation of the structural load bearing capacity for targeted buildings.
  • Provide a funding plan for installation of solar panels (loans, grants, foundations, tribal funds, etc.)
  1. Tribal Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Plan (due by February 28, 2025): A Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Plan will be produced to provide an overall assessment of all the vulnerabilities and risks the Coquille Indian Tribe may face due to climate change. The plan will need to include the following elements: Include climate action strategies: Identify specific projects that align with climate action strategies focused on strengthening the community’s climate resilience and/or reducing GHG emissions. Climate action strategies should be responsive to community challenges.
  2. Include pollution reduction strategies: Identify specific projects that align and relate to the overall monitoring, prevention, reduction, and remediation activities that support community efforts to address quantifiable and health-harming pollutants. Pollution reduction strategies depend on the type and pathway of pollution (e.g., indoor, or outdoor air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution).
  3. Define the assessment’s purpose and scope along with Tribal Council, the Climate Resilience Taskforce, Resilience Coordinator, and other administrative staff.
  4. Identify specific tribal assets and resources that will be impacted by climate change.
  5. Evaluate impacts to valuable resources for both short- and long-term timeframes.
  6. Illustrate data in graphics and incorporate GIS products that help with overall analyzation and interpretation of this data.
  7. Finalize the assessment in preparation for adaptation and mitigation recommendations to be completed by the Climate Resilience Task Force and approved by the Tribal Council.
  • Community Engagement and Collaborative Governance Plan (due by May 30, 2025): Successful implementation of environmental and climate justice projects requires relationships among an ecosystem of community leaders and members along with partners across varied sectors. To help ensure that the community itself drives project development and implementation, this Plan should demonstrate how the applicant will inform, respond to, and engage community members throughout specific project developments and overall project implementation. This Plan should include a Collaborative Governance Structure, which describes the roles and responsibilities of both the Tribe and the surrounding communities.
  1. Community Strength Plan (due by June 30, 2025): This Plan must describe how our proposed projects will enhance the overall strength and economic prosperity of the community, including maximizing the benefits of the projects for existing residents and minimizing potential risks associated with investing significant resources into the Project Area. This Plan should include


  1. the projects to existing residents, and proactively address unintended displacement consequences. This Plan should also speak to how the projects will enhance the overall wellbeing of the community, while ensuring existing community members receive the benefits of these investments and can build on those benefits for future generations.

Submission III: Proposal Requirements:

Proposals submitted will be accepted until the award is decided.

Contractor must include in their scope the following contact points:

  • Attend monthly workgroup meetings with the Coquille Tribe’s Climate Resilience Taskforce.
  • A minimum of two, one hour long virtual meetings per month with the Tribe’s Chief Executive Officer, or designee.
  • Community Engagement work requires at least one on-site community engagement event with Tribal members.

Proposals: Proposals must include the scope of work, a bidder’s work schedule and timeframe along with previous work samples, if available.

Fees: Within the proposal, fees, plus reimbursable expenses should be clearly discernible, and include any anticipated subcontract performance.

References: Provide the names, addresses and email addresses of at least three professional references the Tribe may contact regarding bidders’ performance on a similar contract.

Section IV: Submission Instructions:

Due Date: Proposals must be received no later than 5:00pm PST July 15, 2024, at the submission address below.

Submission Address:

Coquille Indian Tribe

3050 Tremont Street

North Bend, OR 97459

ATTN: Mark Johnston


Email Adress: [email protected]

**If there are any questions about this RFP, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected].

Section V: Evaluation Criteria:

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following four criteria:

• Responsiveness of the proposal in clearly stating an understanding of the work to be performed.

• Reasonableness of overall time estimates as well as the time estimates for each major section of the work to be performed.

• Qualifications and experience of contractor.

• Cost of services. 

Section VI: RFP Qualifications:

  • Minimum 5 years of consulting experience or proven research in natural resources management environmental protection in an area relevant to climate change.
  • Experience in undertaking vulnerability and adaptation or sustainable development issues.
  • Demonstrated ability of analytical work.
  • Experience in demonstrable knowledge of key vulnerability and risk assessment methodologies, empirical data analysis, risk/hazards projections, overall risk management and strategies.
  • Demonstrated experience working in the pacific northwest area on climate change resilience projects, and working with agencies and partners, specifically tribal governments.
  • Preferred ability to produce GIS products that illustrate the vulnerabilities and risks associated with climate change.

Section VII: Period of Performance:

Any executive contract shall be in effect upon the date of the award and shall continue to be in effect until all deliverables are completed and final payment for services is paid. This contract will expire, and all deliverables are automatically due no later June 30, 2025, unless extended in writing by both parties.

Section VI: Attachments

Attached is the following document for reference:

  • Copy of a draft Coquille Tribe Contract for Services

Millions more earmarked for Northwest fish passage projects

  • The Coquille Indian Tribe will restore fish passage at four culvert and tide gate barriers in the Coquille River watershed. This will open significant habitat for threatened Oregon Coast coho, Coquille River fall Chinook, and Pacific lamprey—species that are culturally important to the Coquille Indian Tribe and the community of Coos Bay. The work will help reduce the impacts of climate change by providing functioning floodplains and upgrading a major road and tsunami evacuation route. ($4.2 million)

Northwest Sportsman – May 22, 2024

Press Release

Coquille Tribe to Launch First Tribal Distillery in Oregon

The Coquille Indian Tribe and the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) have authorized a landmark agreement for distillery liquor production and sales within its sovereign lands in Coos Bay.  The proposed distillery will be the first tribally owned spirit production enterprise in the state of Oregon. 

The Mill Casino Hotel and RV Park, owned and operated by Coquille Economic Development Corporation, plans to feature a distillery producing several varieties of distilled spirits.  The casino will sell the products in its several bars, restaurants, and retail outlets. The Mill will also undergo the most significant renovation in a generation, adding to its already impressive bayfront footprint.  Revenue from the distillery and related retail operations will be distributed to the Tribe, which provides its 1,200 members with health care, education, and services in five Southern Oregon counties.

KATU Portland – May 16, 2024

Yahoo! Finance – May 16, 2024

Indian Gaming – May 17, 2024

Yahoo! News/KOIN – May16, 2024

KMTR Eugene – May 17, 2024

KOBI Medford – May 17, 2024

KOIN Portland – May 17, 2024

Tribal Business News – May 17, 2024

Craft Brewing News – May 29, 2024

OregonLive.com – June 25, 2024


Medford Casino Plan Moves Ahead, Again

It’s been nearly four years since the federal government said no to the Coquille Indian Tribe, denying its request to put a casino on land that the tribe owns in South Medford. The denial did not stick, and in spite of some opposition from other regional tribes, the process has resumed.

Earlier this month we spoke with representatives of the City of Medford, which was once opposed to the casino, but now are neutral.

Next up, Judy Farm, CEO of Tribal One, the Coquille tribe’s economic development arm, and Jen Procter Andrews, the vice-chair of the Coquille Tribe join the JX to talk about the project going forward.

Jefferson Public Radio – May 15, 2024

Beached whale offers rare cultural opportunity

For the Coquille Indian Tribe, the death of a juvenile gray whale following an orca attack has much deeper cultural significance. That is why the tribe offered to handle the taking and processing of the mammal off Tish-A-Tang Beach in Bandon, Oregon.

Yahoo! News/Sacramento Bee – May 9,  2024

KATU Portland – May 9, 2024

KGW Portland – May 9, 2024

KCBY Coos Bay – May 9, 2024

KPTV Portland – May 9, 2024

KDRV Medford – May 9, 2024

Central Oregon Daily News – May 9, 2024

KUNP, Univision Portland – May 9, 2024

Yahoo! News – May 10, 2024

KEZI Eugene – May 13, 2024

Think Out Loud OPB radio interview – May 24, 2024

Year of anniversaries for Coos Art Museum

The year 2024 will mark several anniversaries for the Coos Art Museum (CAM). A fixture of downtown Coos Bay, the CAM has served to foster the Southern Coast’s artistic community and provide arts education opportunities to residents of all ages since 1966. This will also mark the 10th year that the Coquille Tribe has provided sponsorship for the Maritime exhibition. One of the museum’s most popular yearly offerings, the Maritime show, ties art together with the intrinsic nautical culture of the South Coast.

The World Newspaper – February 13, 2024